Press | 05.03.2024
Raiffeisen Unleashes "Auri Sun": Empowering Individuals & Businesses to Fuel the Renewable Revolution! Join us as we ignite a brighter future, unlocking financial opportunities for all 💚
Official PR
Press | 31.01.2024
XXXLutz Powers Up with, becoming the Go-To Renewable Energy Provider! Introducing X-POWR: The 100% Green Solution.
Press Release
Press | 07.09.2023
Auri: Raiffeisen NÖ-Wien Businesses Lead the Charge to a Sustainable Future with "Auri One" Energy Tariff. The New Energy Ally for a Green Tomorrow!
US hope you are ready for BB1: Our CEO André Felker and VP Martin Oisterschek return from a strategic U.S. trip, including SXSW in Austin and networking in San Francisco and Los Angeles, gearing up for our North American market entry.
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Raiffeisen startet "Auri Sun", damit Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen erneuerbare Energie zurück in das Auri-Ökosystem verkaufen können. Ein bedeutender Fortschritt in der Energiewende und ein finanzieller Mehrwert für alle Beteiligten. Bleib dran! 💚
Zu Auri Sun
Wir präsentieren unsere bahnbrechende Lösung "Energy-as-a-Currency" vor dem globalen Publikum auf der SXSW 2024. Bleib dran für wegweisende Erkenntnisse oder triff uns in Austin. 🌟 #SXSW2024 #EnergyasaCurrency
News Update
🔥 Die XXXLutz-Gruppe ist ein Partner von und wird zum Anbieter für erneuerbare Energie. XXXLutz bietet allen Kunden den zu 100% grünen Tarif X-POWR an. Die eigene Solarleistung wird on top ausgebaut!
Nutze X-POWR
Our CEO André Felker led engaging discussions on tackling current challenges and the future of renewable energy at the 13th vie-mobility Symposium, part of Wiener Elektro Tage 2023.
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You can sense the world changing without even looking closely. "If we continue like this, there will be nothing left to negotiate in the end..." A commentary on the energy transition by Christian Clerici.
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Events | 05.06.2024
At Climate Lab Vienna, dive into discussions on sustainable economics, decarbonization strategies, and circular economy initiatives. Explore Vienna's flagship projects in smart city development. We're taking the stage – join us!
Info & Registration
Events | 20.06.2024
Get ready to be inspired at Arnold Schwarzenegger's 8th environmental conference, the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT. Together with the Terminator and Auri we unveil Austria's first Energy ...
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